Sports Nutrition
Sports person are required to train for long duration of hours to keep up with
which they need to feel energized, which is undoubtedly a result of on-point nutrition. At the Body Shrine, we
specialize in constructing body-friendly sports nutrition plans that have an impact on the sportsperson’s strength,
training, performance and recovery.
Sports Performance Program
(Enhancement Program)
When athletes fail to give enough carbohydrates, protein, iron, vitamins,
minerals and fluids to their bodies, they end up experiencing extreme tiredness and fatigue. Not to forget, they end
up performing badly at the sport they play. This situation can be avoided by taking assistance from The Body Shrine,
where thoughtful and customized sports performance nutrition plans are designed.
Sport Rehabilitation Program
If you are into sports, it is impossible for you to avoid pain,
injury or illness. At some point or the other, you will need rehabilitation. That is exactly what we offer at The
Body Shrine. We work closely with sportspersons and develop exercise, movement and therapy-based plans for them,
which play a crucial role in rehabilitating them.
Return to Play
As a sportsperson, it is difficult to be away from your game especially when an injury
strikes and your body gives in. It is not easy to cross the bridge when you decide to get back on the playfield
after a break. At the Body Shrine, we believe in preparing tailored plans that will help you to make an impactful
Marathon Training
If you are planning to
participate in a marathon, it is advisable for you to take professional marathon training. At the Body Shrine, we
will be more than happy to take this journey with you, right from the first day of your training with us to the day,
you run your marathon. We will be assisting you with your diet, fitness and mental game.
Fitness Program
The 21 st century being the fitness age, people
have started to understand the importance of working towards improving their fitness levels. If you are desirous of
the same, but are unsure about the path you should be taking to reach your destination, then the Fitness Program at
The Body Shrine is sure to work wonders for you.